I've wanted to replace our janky Ikea bookshelf for a few years now, so I finally drew up a plan this weekend for a new set of shelves that would fit our space a bit better. We found some great reclaimed lumber at a nearby salvage warehouse, and built the support structure from plumbing pipe.
Our sound system runs through the bookshelf, so I tried to conceal the audio equipment as much as possible. I liked the contrast of stacking this small speaker on top of a vintage radio, so it almost seems like the sound is coming from the radio.
In the far corner of the bookshelf, we set up our Kindle Fire and the volume control for the speaker system. Both items are small enough, they aren't even noticeable on the shelf.
The open sides of the bookshelf presented an issue for displaying all our records. I found three of these wine crates at the salvage warehouse and was thrilled to discover they were the perfect height to hold vinyl!
All in all, it took Adam and I about four hours (and four Home Depot trips!) to complete this bookcase. I can't believe I put off building it for so long!
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